今日,總部位於波士頓的ACCDON公司(旗下專業論文編修品牌LetPub)與美國科學促進會(American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS)正式簽署出版服務合作夥伴協議。國際著名期刊科學(Science)雜誌由AAAS出版,同時AAAS也出版了其他國際前瞻性期刊如Science Advances, Science Signaling, Science Immunology, Science Robotics, and Science Translation Medicine等。AAAS也是世界上最大的多學科學術協會,其在傳播具有開創性的科學成果方面發揮著關鍵作用。LetPub本次與AAAS合作,將致力於幫助國際研究人員消除語言障礙,協助他們的成果在全球知名期刊上發表,並得到國際認可、關註和影響。
LetPub是全球唯一一家總部和龐大編修團隊都位於美國的出版服務公司。 LetPub的語言和科學編修作為各自研究領域內的領軍人物,在美國頂尖學府任教司職,並持有專業編修資質認證,如生命科學認證委員會(Board of Editors in the Life Sciences)等。LetPub編修團隊涵蓋化學,臨床,信息,工程,環境,生物,數學,物理,地質,材料,社會學,以及其它眾多學科領域。
April 26, 2017, BOSTON:
We are proud to announce that LetPub, the flagship professional editing brand of Boston-based Accdon LLC, was recently selected for a publishing service collaboration (non-exclusive) with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), publisher of leading journals such as Science, Science Advances, Science Immunology, and Science Translation Medicine. AAAS is the world's largest multidisciplinary scientific society. AAAS plays a key role in the dissemination of ground breaking scientific achievements. LetPub is proud to partner with AAAS to help international researchers eliminate language barriers and see their work recognized and published in these prestigious journals worldwide.
LetPub is the only leading author services company with a large team of United States-based certified language and scientific editors (headquartered in the Boston area). LetPub's language and scientific editors are leaders in their fields, teach at top American universities, and hold editing certifications such as Board of Editors in the Life Sciences certifications. LetPub editors specialize in chemical, clinical, computer, engineering, environmental, life, mathematical, physical, social sciences, and more.
AAAS authors will be able to take advantage of a special 10% discount for LetPub editing as part of this partnership.
For more information about LetPub, please visit: www.letpub.com
For more information about AAAS, please visit: www.aaas.org